





The only reason the body is able to move is because of joints. Joints provide flexibility to the rigid bone structure and the damage of even one joint can hamper the mobility of the body. The number of joints in the human body is between 250 and 350 and all these are susceptible to damage due to disease or other factors. The most common degradation to joints occurs due to the dreaded disease called arthritis. It can affect every age group but is more prevalent among the elderly and the middle-aged people. 

The most common symptoms of this disease are inflamed joints with extreme pain. Gradually the joints get deformed and the bones start degrading. As such, the most important function, mobility, is hampered. To prevent arthritis from reaching the extreme stage, doctors have recommended exercise to counter the wear and tear of the bones. These exercises must be especially designed considering the fragility of the joints. In this respect, water exercises for arthritis are a very good option. The buoyancy of the water presents minimal pressure and stress on the bones and so there are very less chances of injury. So you do not require any weights, even light ones as the normal resistance of the water can be used to create gentle pressure on the bones. Regular water exercises not only give relief from arthritis pain but also stops the disease from progressing further. Read below for more on arthritis water exercises.   

Water Exercises For Arthritis 

During arthritis the wrists, fingers, and toes gets deformed. The best water exercise for these is to submerge the entire body below the water except the head. Then stretch the arms in front of the body and keep the palms facing the ceiling. Next, turn the palm so that it faces the floor of the pool or tub. Slowly do this at least 10 times. Now, form a fist by curling the fingers and then open the palm. Do this for both the palms and at the same time.

To exercise the wrists, keep the arms stretched and bend it up and down. Do this exercise for 5 times.

To exercise the elbows, get into the water and submerge yourself till the neck and then stretch the arms in front of your body. Now bend the elbows and make the thumbs touch the shoulders. Then straighten the elbows again. This will strengthen the muscles of the elbows.

For the ankles, stand on your legs and raise the leg forward keeping the knees straight. Raise the leg for at least 30 degrees. Then bend the ankle up and down 8 to 10 times. Bring the leg down and repeat it for the other leg.

To exercise the hips stand in water that is up to your chest. Now bend on one side and maintain that position for few seconds. Stand upright and then bend on the other side and hold that position for few seconds. Stand upright and repeat the set for five times.

Another hip exercise is to stand upright and then hold the wall of the pool with one hand. Now, swing the leg that is opposite to the hand with which you are holding the wall. The leg must be swung in a backward and forward motion. After ten repetitions, move to the next leg.

Knees and ankles can be exercised by walking in the water. Walk by swinging your arms. Be careful that you don’t slip and fall. So, it is better to hold onto some support during walking. 

Additional Tips 
  • The water should not be very hot as the high temperature can be detrimental for the body.
  • Always keep someone near the pool to help you in case of any emergency.
  • Do not do this exercise on a full stomach.
  • Pregnant women should avoid these exercises. They should do so only under medical recommendation.
  • People who are suffering from heart diseases, high and low blood pressure and other serious diseases should also do these exercises after medical consultation.

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