





When we reach our 30's and 40's we want to look as young as we can for as long as we can. However, we can't halt the aging process. That is much too severe. But as we do age, we see that ever so slowly, as age creeps up on us, our skin starts to change. Fine lines appear. We start looking at the price of cosmetic surgery. We consider chemical peels.

During this time in our lives, we start paying attention to the things that harm our skin: We pay attention to cleansing our face ever so gently with natural moisturizers that hydrate the skin. We know the best fruits for anti-oxidants, and we include them in our diet. We start wearing hats and applying SPF products when we are in the sun. We drink less alcohol, think seriously about ways to manage our stress, and find a program to quit smoking that works. We increase our intake of water to include at least glasses of water every day. We cut out the late-night show so we can get more sleep. We check carefully for any unusual blemish, lump or change in the way the skin looks or feels. Most skin problems are not cancerous, but it is important to get checked by your doctor if you notice any suspicious changes.

And last, but certainly not least: we look at an Essential Oil Reference Guide to find essential oils to help maintain collagen and regenerate new cells for our skin. To counteract wrinkles and dry, mature skin, essential oils are most effective when combined with nutrient packed nut and seed oils to aid in moisturizing and protecting the skin. Did you know that skin cells replenish every 28 days or so? When you try a new product, give it at least a month to see if it works or not.

Floral waters and facial mists are wonderful for aging skin, and are a good product to prevent the signs of aging. Use them periodically during the day to add moisture to your skin, and as a part of your nightly routine. Use them prior to applying oils. This way, you will be adding a layer of moisture to the skin surface while gently toning the skin. A very good floral water is myrtle. You can make your own facial mist by adding 15-20 drops of myrtle essential oil to 4-6 ounces of distilled water in a spray bottle. Be sure to shake the bottle before each use. The moisture in the spray will help your fingers glide easily during the facial massage. Avoid alcohol-based mists.

There are several recipes available for skin care. We want one that we can use to massage our face and neck. Here is one for reducing wrinkles no matter what your age:

Skin Wrinkle Reducing Oil
  • 5 drops Sandalwood
  • 5 drops Helichrysum
  • 5 drops Geranium
  • 5 drops Lavender
  • 5 drops Frankincense
  • 1 Tbsp. Sweet Almond or Apricot Kernel carrier oil
Dilute the essential oils in the Sweet Almond carrier, put in a 1-ounce dark glass bottle. Cap the bottle and mix gently. Label with the ingredients and instructions. Apply 2-4 drops of the blend onto your fingertips, and apply to a moistened face and neck. Work upward, gently massaging the facial tissue. Avoid pulling or over-manipulating the tissue. Be gentle.

And now finally, here is the wrinkle prevention oil specifically for people over 30:

Wrinkle Prevention Oil If You Are Over 30
  • 1 Tbsp Jojoba Oil
  • 1 tsp Macadamia Oil or Kukui Oil
  • 1 tsp Rosehip Oil
  • 3 Drops Carrot Seed Essential Oil
  • 4 Drops Niaouli Essential Oil
  • 3 Drops Myrtle Essential Oil
  • 3 Drops Geranium Essential Oil
  • 1 Drops Patchouli Essential Oil
  • 2 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
Combine these ingredients in a 1-ounce dark glass bottle. Cap the bottle and mix gently. Label with the ingredients and instructions. Apply 2-4 drops of the blend onto your fingertips, and apply to a moistened face and neck. Work upward, gently massaging the facial tissue.


About MediTricks

Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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  1. Has anyone actually tried this for any length of time to know if it will really work?

  2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil: Eucalyptus oil is an extract of the eucalyptus tree which is found primarily in Australia. As an essential oil, it is pretty new on the scene and its benefits are only being gradually discovered. Eucalyptus oil offers relief from pain in the muscles and joints and is usually recommended for people suffering from rheumatism, sprains and aches. humidifier

  3. One of the many benefits of this oil is that is it one of the few that can be applied neat, therefore to use on skin issues simply apply a few drops to a cotton ball or cotton pad and apply directly to affected area. Rivana

  4. I like experimenting with blends, I want to try your recipes for essential oils.

  5. The French researcher Rene Gatefosse was the first to find Lavender's capacity to advance tissue recovery and speed wound recuperating when he extremely consumed his arm in a lab mischance. He instantly submerged his arm into a bowl of fluid sitting on a table close him.
