





We often come across people who are used to the problem of clenching teeth, consciously or unconsciously. The clenching becomes worse at night though the person suffering from it may or may not notice it. Clinically, it is known as bruxism but is commonly known as tooth grinding.

Bruxism can affect anyone from a small child to an adult. It is as common a problem as snoring. It is not a major health issue but can affect the jaws and even the head which can lead to further complications. It can also bring about problems like broken dentures, missing tooth, etc.

There are various reasons which causes tooth grinding, however it is difficult to pinpoint it. Dentists have zeroed down to misalignment of the upper and lower teeth, stress and mental problems as the cause of most cases of bruxism. Long term problem can lead to several complications, so it is best to consult your dentist if you notice the symptoms.

However, this painful aspect of your life can become a thing of the past. Depending on the main cause of the habit only, your dentist can determine if it can be cured or not. All that you will need is a simple lifestyle and dietary changes and bruxism treatments. Some of the most common forms of treatments are:

1) The most commonly recommended treatment is to a mouth guard which you can purchase from any drugstore or from your dentist who will provide you with a comfortable and wearable guard, which is a little expensive. Dentists also recommend the use of splints or any other protective dental devices. These devices are worn at night.

2) Stress being another major common cause of bruxism, it is important to learn stress management. Your dentist will be able to determine after checking your teeth and a series of health related questions whether it is caused by stress or not. You may require to consult a stress therapy expert depending on the severity of it. Meditation, exercise, a warm bath and a glass of hot milk before you sleep may help you overcome stress.

3) Another option is to opt for behavior modifications. Bruxism is regarded as a habit. So learning about the proper positioning of jaw, tongue practice and concentration may be helpful.

4) Some dentists suggest opting for surgeries to get rid of the habit, which most people even prefer to do so. But this is cannot assure or guarantee a complete cure.

5) Biofeedback is helpful for daytime bruxers. It helps in changing the behavior of the person, by indicating the patient when too much muscles activity is in progress.

Sometimes, medications help in addressing the onset but the results differ from person to person. Hypnosis is another option which has shown a fairly high success but this should be opted if the previous treatments have failed.

However, your dentist will determine the specific treatment for bruxism based on your age, medical history, extent of disease, your tolerance of specific medications, procedures or therapies and last but not the least your preference.

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