





Here are the 12 Fact about Ebola Virus...

1. Ebola was discovered in 1976 in In Africa on the banks of Ebola River.This is reason why it is called Ebola. It’s though that It have originated in bats.

2. The first break out .

 A study in the Journal of Emerging infectious diseases claims the first outbreak of Ebola may have occurred around 430 B.C. in ancient Greece.

The plague of Athens was described in the writings of Thucydides, who told of a vicious disease that wiped out half of the city, Thucydides described Ebola-like symptoms including fever and uncontrollable bleeding that passed the virus on to doctors and caregivers.

3. The incubation period till the Symptoms start to appear is somewhere between two days : three weeks after contracting the virus, these symptoms are:
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Headaches & red eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea & stomach pain
  • Rash
  • Decrease function of the liver
  • Decrease function of the kidneys
  • Internal or External Bleeding

4. How the Ebola Virus spread

The Virus can be acquired only by direct contact with a patient or an animal body fluids and can’t be transmitted by air.

5. The Ebola is a very dangerous and deadly disease.

 The 1st damage Ebola do to humans is shutting down the immune system, this is why death occurs within 5-9 days of showing symptoms with a 50% fatality rate.

6. The number of deaths caused by Ebola is less than the number of deaths caused by flu.

7. There are five distinct species of Ebola. Their fatality ranges from 25 : 93 %

8. Several vaccines are being tested, but none of them have been approved.
One of the untested drug, Zampp, has been used on to American missionaries who are said to be improving. It was also given to a Spanish priest who later died.

Its effectiveness is unknown but the WHO ruled its use ethical in circumstances. Stocks of Zampp was developed by an American pharmaceutical company, and were sent to West Africa, The Company says it has given the treatment free of charge.

Canada has also sent around 1000 doses of an experimental drug developed by governmental laboratories, it has previously shown promising results in animals but never been tested on humans.

9. Patients need very intensive care

Patients are frequently dehydrated and require oral rehydration with solutions containing electrolytes or intravenous fluids.

10. Transmission of the Disease continues.

If a man is lucky enough to survive Ebola, he still can transmit the disease for 7 weeks after, even through his semen. This’s why the governments of the countries suffering from disease spread have warned people against having sex, kissing or even shaking hands at the moment.

11. External and internal bleeding.

The Ebola attacks the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels which causes internal external and internal bleeding. A devastating bleeding phase begins 5 to 7 days after the incubation period, the patient can begin to bleed from the nose, gums, eyes, and even under the skin.

12. The fatality rate of the New Ebola Virus

The new Ebola virus had an astonishing 70% fatality rate, buy 14th Oct. 2014 the virus has killed about 4,447 patients.

Protect yourself and your family against Ebola, take care of the Hygiene.

Source : HuffingtonPost


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