





Mumps is an infection affecting your salivary glands. The condition is caused due to a Symptoms of Mumps like swelling and pain respond well to Mumps Remediesviral attack. A mumps infection usually runs its course from about a week to ten days as it does not respond to antibiotic treatment.

The cheeks get swollen, which is among the main symptoms of mumps, causing varying degrees of pain and discomfort.

Causes of mumps infection include virus and the condition is contagious. So you need to take care as the cough, sneeze, sharing food utensils of an infected person can make you contract mumps.

If you do, follow some simple remedies to get relief from its symptoms as these measures are simple to obtain and apply.

Effective Home & Natural Mumps Remedies

Whatever the causes of mumps, here are some effective natural and home remedies that can give you relief from the discomforts that mumps can cause.

Here are some of the effective mumps remedies:
  • Wash fig (peepal) tree leaves, apply clarified butter & warm up leaves. Lay the warmed leaves on mumps inflamed area, secure with bandage. This is very effective home remedy for mumps to relieve mumps signs such as swelling and get relief from pain.
  • Take a fresh aloe vera leaf, peel the skin from one side and warm it on a low flame. Sprinkle some turmeric powder over peeled part of the leaf. Among effective mumps remedies, press this gently on the affected part and apply a bandage to secure.
  • Grind fenugreek & asparagus seeds together and add some water to prepare a paste. Apply this paste to get relief from symptoms of mumps such as swelling.
  • Add water & prepare a thick paste using chebulic myrobalan herb. Apply the paste on the swelling. Let it remain overnight. These natural remedy helps reduce mumps signs including swelling as well as relieves from inflammation.
  • Make paste from dried ginger & apply it over affected part. This not only helps relieve swelling but also reduces pain.
  • You can use cold packs to effectively reduce swelling associated with mumps. Applying an ice pack will numb the affected area & help decrease pain.
  • Mumps causes fever, so get appropriate rest & sleep during a mumps infection. Talk no more than is necessary, to rest your jaw & alleviate pain around ears.

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