





Acne is one of the very common ailments in the present times. All around the world almost every one suffers from this complication. As a matter of fact nowadays in India due to current lifestyle and pollution this problem has increased a lot; at the same time people are becoming more and more conscious about this as this disorder affects directly the external appearance and personality of the individual.

Here are some proven herbal remedies for this problem as well as prevention with blend of Ayurveda in them. In Ayurveda the problems like acne etc. are due to increase of internal heat (pitta) thus all the measures followed are cold in nature.

Herbal Remedy for Acne


Apply raw milk- 4 to 5 spoons on face and wait for it to dry, then apply plain ghee- 1 spoon, curd- 2 spoons, and honey- 2 spoons and partially ripen banana respectively; allow it to dry for around 2-3 minutes each. Results are seen within one week of application.

Facial Mask Home Remedies For Younger Skin


Honey is mixed with lemon; applied over the face. Oats mixed with curd can be used for scrubbing daily.

Snehana (oil application)

Medicated oil with herbs like aloe Vera and cinnamon should be applied for dry skin.

Sudation (steam)

2 drops of eucalyptus oil added in boiled water and that steam should be taken for 5 minutes on the face until perspiration starts.

Paste (lepa)

Papaya fruit, carrot, cucumber and tomato should be mixed and applied as paste daily.

Toning and moisturizer

Prepare a concoction of milk and honey and apply. Don’t use soap for 1 day.

Face Pack

Collect the fine powders of herbs like turmeric, kumkum, sandal wood, neem leaves dry powder, dry powder of gooseberry and mix them by adding milk. Apply the paste at bed time; keep it till it dries and then wash it off with cold water.

Masoor Dal Pack

Course powder of masoor Dal is made into the paste by adding milk and applied on the face; this removes excess oil from the skin pores preventing acne.

Multan Matti Pack

Multan Matti to be taken and made into homogeneous paste by adding sufficient quantity water and applied on face. It is kept for around 15 minutes and then washed with cold water.

Tips and Cautions

Of course all these methods are absolutely safe and effective and purely herbal still here are some tips to remind. It is highly advised that during this process use of soap and cosmetics is avoided. These should blend with daily routine and should be done daily till the period when you start getting results and confidence.

The herbal products are advised to be fresh. Avoid sun and dust exposure as much as possible. Drink enough amount of water throughout the day. Avoid long day sleep and late night awakening. Diet is also a significant factor when you are doing all these procedures.

Have a balanced diet, hot and easily digestible; avoid oily, fried and junk foodstuffs as external appearance is the reflection of internal environment. It is mandatory to use fresh and cold water for all purposes.


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Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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