





Often, fair skin is considered an important asset for an individual. Although it is not true, people always get ready to do anything to have whiter skin. Surprisingly, those with fair skin also put in their efforts to make their skin more fair. Many things can be done for having a skin tone lighter than original one. Several skin whitening products such as lotions, skin creams, etc are available in the market. It is best to use natural skin care products than creams and lotions. Most people opt for natural skin whiteners because they do not have any adverse effects on skin and also the results last long. So, let’s look into some homemade skin whiteners for having beautiful skin.

Following are some home remedies for skin whitening:

Orange face pack

Oranges are one of the valuable ingredients which help in the process of skin whitening. For this pack, collect some orange peels and dry them in sunlight. Once they are fully dried, grind them to make fine powder. Add some milk to the orange peel powder and make a fine paste. Apply this over the face and allow it to dry. Then, rinse with lukewarm water.

Sandalwood facial bleach

Apart from lightening the skin tone, sandalwood powder aids in acquiring even skin texture and complexion. All you need to do is take a small amount of sandalwood powder and add a few drops of tomato juice, lime juice and cucumber juice. Mix them thoroughly to make a fine paste. Spread this paste on the face evenly and allow it to dry completely. Wash it off the face with warm water.

Gram flour facial bleach

Add a pinch of turmeric powder, a few drops of lemon juice and milk cream to two tablespoons of gram flour. Mix these ingredients for making a fine paste and apply it over the skin evenly. Let it stay on the skin for 10–15 minutes. As it dries, scrub the facial and then rinse the face with warm water. This is one of the beneficial remedies for skin whitening.

Milk powder facial pack

Most people use milk powder to make coffee and tea, but they are not aware that it can also be used as a face pack. It has some benefits on the skin. Combine a tablespoon each of honey, lemon juice and milk powder to make a fine paste. To this you can also add half a tablespoon of almond oil. Spread this mixture on face and rinse it off after 10 minutes. Besides making your skin white, it also brings a glow on the face.

Honey and almonds

If almonds are mixed with honey and applied on the face as a paste, it has many beneficial effects on the skin. Apart from lightening the skin tone of your face, it also adds shine to the face. You must soak almonds overnight and peel them off in the morning. Grind them to make a fine paste. Add honey to this paste and spread it over the face. Scrub it off after it dries. It leaves your skin whiter and glowing.

Orange and yogurt

This is another beneficial homemade skin whitener. It reduces the darkness and dullness of the skin. Take equal amounts of orange juice and yogurt and apply it on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

Lemon juice and honey

This is deemed as an ideal face whitener. All you need to do is mix equal parts of lemon juice and honey. Apply this on the face and rinse it off after 15 minutes.

Cucumber face pack

When lemon juice and cucumber are mixed together, they act as an excellent skin whitening product. Combine lemon juice and cucumber juice in same amounts and spread it over the face. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

Potatoes pack

These are natural bleaching agents. Extract juice from potatoes and apply it on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off using warm water. Besides whitening the skin, potatoes also reduce blemishes and pigmentation.

Oatmeal face mask

Make a paste with tomato juice, yogurt and oatmeal and apply it on the face. Let it stay on the skin for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. This is another beneficial skin whitener. It also helps in removing tan and lightens the skin as well.

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Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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