





Beauty of a woman is very much affected due to blackheads. Millions of women want to get rid of blackheads. Given below are some natural remedies to get rid of blackheads.Blackheads are ugly dark plugs of hardened oil and dead skin cells that occur on your face or any other parts of your skin. Blackheads appear because of excess skin oil secreted from your body which accumulates on your external part of your skin. When it combines with bacteria and dust etc, ugly spots are formed known as blackhead. Blackheads are caused due to pollution, usage of contraceptives, stress, make-up kept for long duration, bad diet etc.

The best way to get rid of blackheads is to get rid of the excess oil, dust particles and other impurities from your outer layer of skin which can be done by washing or cleaning it properly.

If you clean your face or other parts of the skin with suitable soap, dead cells and other impurities will be removed. Thus the formation of blackheads will be reduced. You can use combination of lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. This combination is very effective in curing blackheads if you apply it on your face regularly. After washing your face with warm water, soak some cotton with almond oil.

Put a small amount of toothpaste on the oily cotton. Then rub the cotton over the affected part. Do it regularly to remove blackheads. You can also do the same process with olive oil in place of almond oil. Rubbing the mixture of salt and lime juice too works in removing blackheads.

Honey is effective in giving you relief from blackheads. You need to apply/rub a little warm honey on the affected parts. But whatever you apply on your face, you should clean it with tap water after a few minutes.

Water is very effective in removing blackheads. It should be used externally as well as internally to remove blackheads. Water eliminates toxins which get deposited beneath your skin layer and spoils your beauty. Drink plenty of water so that elasticity of your skin is maintained and blackheads get removed.

To remove blackheads you need to improve your blood circulation which you can do successfully through exercise. Also let your skin get proper oxygen and breathe freely; so do not put make-up as long as you have blackhead problem.

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