





If your burn injury is minor, you can try using these home remedies for burns. Aloe vera is one of the most recommended herbs and honey is effective in controlling infections.

First degree burns usually cause the skin to turn pink or red. Although a first degree burn is usually minor and affects the top or upper layer of the skin or epidermis, it causes pain and the skin may swell and become tender and inflamed too. Sunburn is an example of this type of burn and so is any injured skin caused by a brief contact with heat such as burnt cigarettes, hot beverages, hot grease or hot water.

Second degree burns can cause damage to tiny blood vessels because it affects the epidermis and dermis or the second layer of the skin. Fluid may leak from the wound and blisters will form.

Third degree burns are the most serious and you must get medical attention. Instead of red, the skin will turn white. This type of burn causes damage to the epidermis, dermis, other tissues and even the bones. When fully healed, the affected skin will be deeply scarred and turn brown or black. In many cases, a third degree burn victim may require cosmetic or reconstructive surgery.

If your injury is minor, you can try to treat it using the following home remedies for burns. However, if a first or second degree burn affects a large area of your skin, if it is due to chemical or electrical burns or if the affected person is an infant or the elderly, you must get medical assistance immediately.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most recommended home remedies for burns. The gel or sap from aloe vera has anti inflammatory properties. A few studies done on first to second degree patients with burns have shown that aloe vera has the ability to speed up burn and wound healing.

What you can do with fresh aloe vera leaves or stalks is to cut them open, take out the whitish green flesh, blend it and apply on your burnt skin. If the burnt skin is very minor, just break the aloe vera stalk and gently place the flesh part on the skin to soothe and help it heal.

Aloe vera is easy to plant and doesn't need much care and it is a good idea to have an aloe plant in your home as a first aid for burns.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is honey that has not been pasteurized or filtered. It is another natural product that is recommended as one of the home remedies for burns because of its antibacterial, antibiotic and anti inflammatory properties.

The simplest way to use honey on minor burns is to apply it over the burn or wound caused by it. You don't need to cover it with a piece of gauze unless you fear that the burned skin could be injured again.

Egg Whites

Another popular remedy as a treatment for burns is to use egg whites or albumen. Egg whites have astringent properties. To use egg whites as burn relief, simply apply it on your burned skin. If the burn covers a large area, add aloe vera gel to several egg whites, mix them thoroughly and soak or coat your burned skin in this mixture. Once the mixture dries, repeat the process and leave it on for several hours.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another one of the home remedies for burns that may work for you in treating minor burns. Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water. Apply the paste on the affected skin. To keep the paste moist and to soothe the pain, wrap it with a plastic covering and use a band aid or sock to hold it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Either apply apple cider vinegar on your burned skin or use it to soak, depending on how severe and which part of your skin is affected.


Calendula oil which is extracted from calendula seeds contains calendic acid and has analgesic, anti bacterial, antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties. It has the ability to reduce inflammation and heal wounds and burns. Calendula extract is available in the form of cream, gel, lotion and oil that you can use as one of the home remedies for burns.

St John's Wort

St John's wort has been traditionally used for centuries for minor burn treatment. To use it, apply St John's wort oil, ointment or cream on your burned skin.

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  1. Replies
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  2. When you get a burn, run it under cold water ASAP. It may (usually) prevent blistering. I'm a chef of 40 years and have been doing this since before I started cooking.

    1. Should add minor kitchen burns but have done this with more serious burns as well.

  3. Cold unsweetened tea works, too. It is an old, old remedy my grandmother taught me years ago.

  4. I use yellow mustard it takes away the burning feeling after a few minutes and stops the burn from blistering

    1. I think this is the BEST remedy. I burnt myself really badly on my hand late at night and was in agony. I found this remedy online, plastered Dijon mustard over the burn and immediately had relief from the pain and NO BLISTER the next morning!

  5. You forgot the most incredible burn remedy of all; Castor Oil! It is amazing on burns. It works wonders on cuts and contusions but it is almost a miracle on burns. We keep bottles all over the house and work areas. Give it a try!

  6. Hello viewers i want to share a testimony of how dr aluya cured my herpes virus with his herbal medicine,i have been with this disease for the past 2 years i have gone to different hospital for cure all there keep giving me is medication and still am not cured one day i was borrowing through the internet and i saw a lot of people sharing there testimony of how this great herbalist dr aluya has helped them in there various problems and situations i decided to give him a try i contacted this great man all he ask from me was my details which i provided he prepare the herbal medicine and send it to me he also gave me instruction on how to take the herbal medicine i did as i was instructed by him, dear friends you would not believe this, after taking the herbal medicine i went to the hospital for checkup to my greatest surprise my result came out negative, my dear i will say truly there is a cure for herpes virus with the help of dr aluya herbal medicine you can be cured from your herpes virus you can contact him on his email address if you are having any problem i advice you do contact him for help okay here is his mobile numbers +2347064851317,+2349073364485 you can also visit his website for help thank you dr aluya for saving my life.
