





Widely cultivated in the Fujian Province of China and also in Taiwan, the Jasmine tea is renowned for its mild refreshing flavor. The plant was initially brought to this part of the world from Persia sometimes around the 3rd century. However, it was only during the later part of the Song Dynasty (960-1270 AD) did the tea become popular in the country and the adjoining areas. It is indeed the versatile nature of the plant species that has made it one of the most popular tea varieties all over the world. Although very commonly made from green tea varieties, one can also find certain varieties made from pouching and black tea strains. The liquor prepared from the strains is generally colorless but may sometimes have a tinge of green or amber color to it. To know more about this unique variety of medicated tea, read the information given below in this article. 

Nutrition & Health Benefits Of Jasmine Tea 
  • Jasmine tea is regarded as one of the healthiest tea enjoyed by people all across the globe. Studies and research have indicated that the tea contains certain antioxidants that destroys cancer causing free radicals and slows down the growth of the cancer cells. It is mainly for their chemoprotective effects that the tea has become very popular in recent times. Many people use it against breast tumors and prostate tumors and some anti-cancer drugs have also been manufactured using the plant as the key ingredient. The prime mechanism of action of such drugs is to inhibit the action of an enzyme called hexokinase that facilitates the growth and development of cancer cells.
  • Certain catechins extracted from this variety of plant aids in lowering the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides as per the reports from recent research. The Jasmine plant prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol produced by oxidative process and also helps to lower the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Regular consumption of jasmine tea also helps to prevent the occurrence of diabetes in the high risk groups.
  • Jasmine plant extracts decrease the incidence of heart attacks, thrombosis, brain strokes and arterial thrombosis in people.
  • Studies have also shown that jasmine tea has some anti-bacterial actions and prevents the growth of certain strains of bacteria in human beings. They particularly help to prevent certain food borne diseases caused by strains of Listeria and Salmonella.
  • Jasmine plant has been associated with anxiety relief since a long time. They have a calming and sedative-like effect making people more relaxed. It is for this reason that jasmine tea has been used as a form of traditional anti-anxiety medication in parts of Japan since a long time.
  • The plant is regarded as an effective calorie burner as certain substances called catechins trigger the process of weight reduction in the body thereby decreasing the excess deposition of fat and obesity.
  • Some other benefits of this variety of tea are prevention of flu and allergy, maintenance of fluid balance in the body and boosting the general health and immune system of the body.
  • Intake of the tea is also associated with good oral hygiene as it provides fluoride to protect cavities and inhibit decays.

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