





Victims of skin conditions that attack the face are often self-conscious and embarrassed about the redness and other symptoms that develop. Rosacea is a medical concern characterized by flare ups that often follow a recurring cycle. Luckily, home remedies for rosacea can help minimize the severity of the condition.

16 Home Remedies for Rosacea

What is Rosacea

Often mistaken for a skin allergy or eczema, rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that affects adults. Rosacea usually emerges in three different phases. Pre-rosacea starts with flushing or blushing of the skin. Redness continues to affect the face with the central region being the most affected, especially the nose. The dilation of blood vessels located close to your skin’s surface is responsible for the redness. The worsening of symptoms is called vascular rosacea, where small blood vessels swell and are easily seen on the nose and cheeks. Oily skin and dandruff may develop at this time. Inflammatory rosacea involves small, red bumps or pustules that spread across the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

Sadly, there is no cure for rosacea – just ways to manage the symptoms.

Causes and Symptoms

No one really knows the exact cause of rosacea, but research suggests that a combination of hereditary and environmental factors play an important role in the condition. There are also a handful of factors that can worsen the symptoms of rosacea, such as hot foods and drinks, spicy dishes, alcohol, extreme temperatures, sunlight, stress, anger, intense exercise, hot baths, corticosteroids, and drugs known to dilate blood vessels, such as some blood pressure medications.

The majority of people with the condition suffer cyclic symptoms, which means they experience flare ups for a period often lasting weeks to months. Symptoms fade in intensity before flaring up once more. When left untreated, rosacea has a habit of worsening over time.

Signs and symptoms of rosacea include
  • Red areas on the face
  • Small, red bumps or pustules on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin
  • Red, bulbous nose (also known as rhinophyma)
  • Visible small blood vessels on the nose and cheeks (called telangiectasia)
  • Burning or gritty sensation in the eyes (ocular rosacea happens in 1 in 2 people)
  • Tendency to easily flush or blush

Rosacea Home Remedies

From the way you wash your face to the kinds of vitamins you take, there are a handful of ways to control and influence your rosacea symptoms. Consider some of the following home remedies for rosacea to lessen the damage and reduce the signs of the condition that show up on your face:

The essential fatty acids found in flaxseed oil are known to treat inflammation. Take a supplement with 1,000 milligrams or one teaspoon of oil for three times a day.

Cold Compress
Cool rosacea-affected skin by applying a washcloth soaked in cold water. Press the cloth to your face to ease inflamed skin. Use this remedy throughout the day.

Chamomile Tea
Boil three cups of water in a pan, and then add a couple of bags of chamomile tea. After 10 minutes, strain the tea and place the liquid in the freezer. Remove before it freezes, and then dip a piece of cotton cloth in chilled chamomile liquid to make a soothing cold compress for affected skin.

When walking into sunny conditions, wear a hat to protect your skin and avoid direct contact with the sun.

Calamine Lotion
The remedy often used for mosquito bites and poison ivy can also help you fight the redness and itchiness of rosacea.

Zinc contains components that can heal the skin. Take a 25-milligram supplement two times a day with meals. Also, eat more foods high in zinc, such as sesame seeds, low fat roast beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.

Fenugreek is a versatile plant that is used as an herb and spice in cooking. The leaves and sprouts are also consumed as vegetables. To treat symptoms of rosacea, add fenugreek to a container and pour boiling water over. Allow the fenugreek to sit for about 10 minutes, and then filter out the tea. Drink to encourage skin healing and recovery.

Treat itchy skin by applying water-soaked oatmeal to affected areas. The oatmeal possesses anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which can address rosacea symptoms.

Since the sun can affect your face, wear sunscreen with a SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher.

To protect your skin during the wintertime, wear a scarf over your face when conditions are harsh.

Hands Off
Do not rub or touch irritated skin affected by rosacea.

Choose Gentle Cleansers
when selecting cleansers for your face, choose gentle products (like Dove or Neutrogena). Avoid using the kinds of cleansers that contain alcohol, which can irritate and dry out the skin. According to the National Rosacea Society, you should also avoid skin care products and cosmetics that contain eucalyptus, fragrances, menthol, peppermint or witch hazel, which is more likely to worsen symptoms of rosacea.

Cosmetics with Green Tints
When wearing makeup, choose creams and powders that have a green or yellow tint, which are designed to reduce the appearance of reddened skin.

Beta Carotene
Taking 25,000 international units of beta carotene twice daily can help heal your skin. Beta carotene is also found in foods, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe and broccoli.

For healthy skin, increase the amount of B-vitamins that your body receives, especially vitamin B2 (riboflavin). If going the supplement route, choose a vitamin-B complex containing 100 milligrams. Dietary changes mean increasing foods that contain a high amount of B-vitamins, such as milk, egg, cheese, potatoes, peanuts, meat, green vegetables, and whole grain cereals.

Vitamin C
With the ability to enhance your immune system, vitamin C promotes healing of many skin conditions. Try taking 500 milligrams of a vitamin C supplement for three times per day. You may also increase your intake of foods that are high in vitamin C, such as sweet red bell peppers, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, papaya, grapefruit, kiwi, and oranges

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