





Appendicitis is the Woman having abdominal pain a sign of précised appendicitis symptoms inflammation of appendix, a small worm like pouch attached to the bowel located in the lower right portion of abdomen. Removal of appendix causes no change in digestive functions of body. The exact cause of appendicitis is not clear.

The most obvious appendicitis symptoms are abdominal pain followed by nausea.  In appendicitis, pain may become more acute and severe resulting in fever.

An inflamed appendix will likely burst if not removed. Bursting spreads infection throughout the abdomen – a potentially dangerous condition called peritonitis.

Natural Home Remedies for Appendicitis

These economical, safe, effective and easy to follow natural remedies can be of substantial help in treating your condition of appendicitis naturally.
  • Consuming small amount of tablespoon of green gram thrice a day gives you confirmed results in natural appendicitis treatment.
  • Effective combination of each hundred milliliter of beet and cucumber juice mixed with three hundred milliliter of carrot juice twice a day gives you immediate results. It is a very useful natural remedy for appendicitis.
  • Use fenugreek seeds to make tea. It is very helpful in treating appendicitis naturally. It prevents accumulation of excess mucus and intestinal waste during appendix.
  • Add a pinch of salt to one tablespoon of ginger juice and drink it. It is helpful in treating patients who have a tendency to vomit.
  • Turmeric and ginger act as a good combination. Intake of this mixture in raw or powdered form reduces the pain and swollenness resulting from appendicitis.
  • One liter of buttermilk must be consumed by patient daily. It is helpful in handling chronic form of appendicitis.
  • Whole wheat includes bran and wheat germ. Bran of wheat must be sterilized and can be added to wheat flour in the proportion of one to six by weight. Two to three flatbreads made from this flour can be eaten daily. It is effective among the many home remedies for appendicitis.

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