





In India cow urine has been used for curing many ailments like Cough, Migraine, Constipation etc, and even for holy purification processes. However there has been mixed opinion upon using cow urine as to how can one use Cow’s urine for good health. But Laboratory tests have proved that contents of Cow Urine of like Nitrogen, Sulpher, Vitamins A B C D E, Magnesium and many more are required by human body to balance the  Tridosha i.e Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The urine of cow need to be used in Distilled form.

Diseases Cured By Cow Urine

The various anti-bacterial properties makes Cow Urine one of the very effective medicine in Ayurveda. Cow urine is also known to improve immunity and strengthen the body. Some of the diseases cured by Cow Urine are

Beneficial Medicinal Properties of Cow Urine

The composition of Cow Urine is extremely beneficial for human body and helps in curing many diseases in ailments. Cow urine is one of the most used ayurvedic remedy for many diseases. Lets have a look at how Distilled Cow Urine is beneficial for us

Blood Formation Purification and Detoxification

Ammonia NH3 stabilise bile and promotes blood formation, Nitrogen (N2) ,NH2 and Hipuric acid CgNgNox composition of cow urine helps in detoxification and remove abnormality in blood. It naturally stimulates urinary tracts and detoxify the blood. Likewise Sulpher (S) promotes bowel movement and thus cleanses blood.

Cut Fat
Copper (Cu) prevents from building unwanted calories and maintain fit body.

Promotes Energy and Overall Body Development

Iron (Fe) promotes formation Red Blood Cells (RBC) and maintaining Hemoglobin levels, thus providing energy to body. Vitamins A,B,C,D,E components also gives complete energy to body and cure nervousness.

Anti Bacterial and Antibacterial

Urea CO(NH2)2  , Manganese (Mn) , Carbolic acid HCOOH , Creatinin C4HgN2O2  and Aurum Hydroxide AuOH content of cow urine acts as anti bacterial and antibiotic agent and thus prevents germ formation and gangrene.

Heart Swelling and Inflamation

Cow urine also prevents heart swelling and any inflammation in body due to its Uric Acid C5H4N4O3 property.

Remove Kidney and Urinary Tract Stone

In Ayurveda Cow urine is also helps in removing Kidney and Urinary Tract Stone because of Phosphate (P) present in it.


Sodium (Na) helps in purifying blood and act as natural Antacid.

Strong Muscles and Bones

Potassium (K) and Calcium (Ca) present in cow urine helps in strengthening bones and muscles, it can also be used in curing hereditary rheumatism. Potassium also help in increasing appetite.

Increase Immunity

Enzymes present in Cow urine promotes development of digestive juices in body and increasing immunity.

The above mentioned is a small piece of information on  how cow urine benefits us. 

Credit : Cow Urine


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