





Whether you’ve recently undergone surgery or suffered an injury, the body enters a period of recovery. It’s a time for cells to regenerate and your system to fight infection. While you might take antibiotics or other prescriptions to facilitate the mending process, there are also home remedies to speed up healing that you may want to consider.

Home Remedies for Speedy Healing
As the body repairs itself, you’ll go through different phases (depending on the circumstances) that may include scabs, weeping skin, the removal of toxins from your system, and scar formation. To enhance the overall process and speed up healing, the following home remedies might be just the thing you need:

Vitamin E:
Whether you take a supplement or increase your intake of foods that contain vitamin E, your body will benefit from reduced scarring, faster healing of wounds, and improved skin elasticity. Vitamin E oil capsules also make an effective topical treatment to prevent scar tissue formation – simply break open one 100 IU capsule and rub into a wound on a daily basis.

With the power to aid in wound healing and encourage proper immune function, zinc is a mineral often associated with improving your health. You can take a 15 mg supplement or increase your intake of certain foods high in zinc, such as pumpkin seeds, oysters, ginger root, pecans and Brazil nuts. Try sipping on ginger root tea or munching on pumpkin seeds as your go-to snack.

Since fresh flowers and plants have a knack for uplifting your mood, try filling your room with the blooms to enhance the healing process.

Aloe Vera:
Get cozy with an aloe vera plant when you want to encourage speedy healing. The gel from the leaves contains components that cool and soothe damaged skin. Break open one of the leaves to extract the gel, which helps speed up cell division and reduces inflammation. Aloe vera is perfect for healing cuts and wounds faster. It is suggested to apply the gel two to three times daily for wound healing.

For centuries, honey has been used as an effective treatment for faster wound healing. With anti-bacterial powers that cause no side effects, honey not only prevents infection, but also keeps the skin moisturized, which promotes healing. The stickiness of the honey additionally creates a barrier between wounds and the bacteria you cannot see that is responsible for making matters worse. When used early on in addressing burns, honey can prevent the wounds from turning into blisters, as well as aid in reducing the scars that injury leaves behind. Honey is a wondrous topical treatment for scrapes, cuts, burns and gaping wounds.

Vitamin C:
Playing a significant role in tissue healing and repair, vitamin C is an effective choice in faster wound healing. Some of the foods that offer a high amount of vitamin C include red peppers, oranges, broccoli, fresh strawberries, kiwi, green pepper, and grapefruit.

Coconut Oil:
Virgin coconut oil possesses antibacterial and anti-viral properties that can aid in faster wound healing. Similar to honey, this type of oil can prevent infection from developing. It also contains components that promote the healing of skin tissue. The coconut oil also helps lessen the damage that can come from sun exposure, as healing wounds are more susceptible during the first few months of recovery. Some people have applied virgin coconut oil as a remedy for gaping wounds because it is easily absorbed.

With anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is a spice that also fights bacteria and stops infection in its tracks. Sprinkling turmeric powder over a fresh wound will help stop the bleeding. Sip turmeric tea to take advantage of powerful antioxidants that help boost the immune system.

Turmeric and Coconut Oil:
Blend virgin coconut oil and turmeric together to create a paste that can limit scarring and changes in skin pigmentation.

Turmeric and Lemon Juice:
Add turmeric to a bit of lemon juice to create a paste that helps lessen the dark appearance of scars.

Lemon Water:
Squeeze a few lemons into a container of cool water, and then apply the liquid to your skin using a sponge or towel. The citrus in the lemons will help disinfect the skin and cool it, as well as encourage faster healing from mild sunburn.

After suffering skin damage, such as sunburn, use the protein in the milk to help soothe your skin and promote a faster recovery rate. Apply a small amount of milk to the skin using a damp washcloth. You should add one cup of milk to four cups of cool water. Apply the healing cold compress to the skin for 15 to 20 intervals every two to four hours.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
To speed up recovery after surgery, consider increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. One of the easiest ways to get more omega-3s is to take fish oil capsules or add fish oil to your cereals or smoothies. Other people simply choose walnuts and pumpkin seeds to get their daily fill.

The probiotics (good bacteria) found in yogurt helps keep bad bacteria and funguses under control. It is suggested to eat yogurt on a daily basis to receive a decent amount of friendly acidophilus and/or lactobacillus bacteria. If you are taking antibiotics, do not consume probiotic products within two hours of your medication.

Boost Your Protein Intake:
Known to aid in wound healing and tissue regeneration, you should increase your intake of dietary lean protein. Some of the foods you may want to consider adding to your meal plan include fish, seafood, chicken, lean cuts of beef, low-fat dairy and soy products

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Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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