





People often ask you about your health issues, your stress level and office or study workload because you have dark circles? That’s obvious! Dark circles are generally taken as a hygiene problem, however a sufferer of dark circles knows about the stability of his health and stubbornness of the dark circles.

Dark circles may occur due to unstable lifestyle and eating habits. Therefore the very first step towards improving the condition of dark circles is to essentially take an 8 hour night sleep and improve lifestyle. A change in eating habits can be brought by taking in larger quantities of vitamin A, C, E and B12. Daily exposure to sunlight, a 30 minute walk or 15 minute rope skipping, drinking 12 glasses of water and 2 glasses of fresh juice and 30 minute soul relieving activities can really help reduce the dark circles. A glass of milk daily and iron rich foods like green vegetables are ideal internal treatments for dark circles. Protein and iron deficiency have appeared to be as a common cause of dark circles.

Home Remedies

Dark circles can be treated by a few home remedies, however, the time of treatment may take as long as 3 months. There are several ointments for dark circles available in the market, however considering the sensitivity of the eyes and dark circle’s area, it is better to focus on the natural home remedies rather than taking risks.

Tea treatments are given in two ways. Soak a tea bag in warm water and let it absorb the water. Then place it on your eyes till it gets cold. The other treatment is about tea tree oil. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on dark circles and massage the area in anti-clockwise motion from eyes to dark circles. It will also help relieve the eye tissues. You can also place used tea bags as it is on the dark circles. The tea bag treatment is generally recommended to be done for 2 weeks consistently.

Cucumber juice is an ideal treatment for refreshing the eyes. However, a continuous treatment can help reduce the dark circles, though in a very slow process. Cut a cucumber piece and mash it well. Now squeeze the mashed cucumber and apply the juice as a lotion for the eyes and dark circles overnight. You can also place cucumber slices on the skin for at least 15 minutes.

Mix almond oil with honey and massage in circular motions on the dark circles. Wash immediately after the massage.

Soak some mint leaves in water in the morning, and place the bowl in a dark area. Make sure that sunlight does not reach this bowl. Make a paste of the mint leaves and add 2 to 3 ground almonds in the paste. Apply on the eyes before sleeping and wash it away in the morning. This treatment can bring amazing results within a week only.

Mix some yogurt, turmeric powder, ground oatmeal and pineapple juice and apply on the dark circles for 15 minutes daily.

About MediTricks

Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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