





Women always prefer to use different natural ingredients to enhance the charm, glow and beauty of their skin and one of the most popular ingredients is known as honey which is very common and easily available everywhere. Honey is rich in various natural properties and this is the reason why it stands as the first choice when it comes to enhance the natural beauty.

Benefits of Honey for Skin Beauty

Honey is said to be fully capable to lock moisture in body skin and makes sure that skin does not get itching as well as dryness. Regular use of honey has been proven to be very effective in making skin supple and radiant by eliminating dry patches and flakiness from the skin. Another great benefit of honey for skin is that it has anti-bacterial properties which helps your skin save from different types of infections.

Use of Honey as Natural Remedy

You can find different varieties of face washes at the markets but you might not know that most of those FWs include honey as the most important ingredient in those products. However, you can find another facial scrub that you can prepare at your own home by spending a very little amount of money as well as time.

Take honey, olive oil, brown sugar and lemon juice and mix them to prepare a thick mask to be applied on your facial area. Once it is fully prepared, apply it on skin and it is not abrasive, scratchy and harsh. Though the results will be slower, soon you will see how dry and dull skin becomes young, fresh and bright.

Alternative Way to Prepare Moisturizer

Here is another way to make moisturizer that will give you great results when you apply it on your skin from your head to toe. If you want to prepare it, mix honey with few tbs Shea butter and melt them. You can also use an alternative method to prepare this natural moisturizer.

Take a bowl and drop 2 tablespoon of honey into it along with cocoa butter and then add bergamot oil (2 drops) and lavender oil (1 drop). Now mix all of these ingredients and blend them so the paste can be prepared. When you get natural mixture, use it to apply on affects skin areas and others body areas.

How to Apply Honey Moisturizer on Skin

The mixture can be used on any part of your body, but surely you will have to prepare the mixture in larger quantity. If you have extra mixture, put in in a bowl and keep it covered with lid. When you intend to use the remaining mixture, slightly microwave it if it gets solid.

Before you apply the mixture on your skin, take bath and dry your skin with a soft towel. When you have properly applied the mixture on your skin, leave it for about twenty minutes and then wash it with a good face wash and water.

About MediTricks

Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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