





One fast and best way to remove and get rid of stretch marks naturally on arms, thighs and stomach for both men and women is to provide lot of moisture, anti oxidants and vitamins so that the cracks in skin heal overnight. Honey, Olive oil, aloevera gel and lemons are effective home remedies for clearing stretch marks. Eggs, honey, aloe vera, potato, lemon juice, olive oil, coconut oil,cucumbers and eggs are some home remedies to remove stretch marks quickly.

Anti oxidants to repair stretch marks

Anti oxidants are compounds well known for keeping skin young. These compounds have properties which repairs our skin fast and helps you to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Eat foods rich in anti oxidants or apply a stretch marks removal cream for curing your marks. Catechin polyphenols in green tea, polyphenols in apples, flavonoid in dark chocolate, lycopene in tomato, gluthathoine in yogurt are good antioxidants to treat stretch marks. Other foods like berries, pomegranate, eggs are also very helpful. One can also apply these fruits and vegetables to your cracked skin so that it heals fast. Good quantity of anti oxidants in body will not only help you to get rid of stretch marks but will also keep skin firm, young and prevent heart diseases.

Healthy Food

Eat food rich in Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Zinc and omega fatty acid to heal the stretch marks. Fish, eggs, oranges, broccoli, spinach, almonds, lentils are foods one must have to provide body with essential nutrients to heal the cracks fast. Also drink plenty of water (atleast 2 litres) to keep body hydrated and moisturized. Coke and junk food should be avoided in this process. Also include vitamin E to keep skin moist. One can also take a multi vitamin capsule.


Exercise provides more blood and oxygen to skin that helps to give extra nutrients and vitamins that repair the cracked skin. Remember to exercise more for the region or part of the body where you have more stretch marks. Usually the stretch marks are on chest thighs and stomach, so chest push ups and pull ups are good. Similarly for stomach crunches are good and for thighs cycling, swimming and sit ups are helpful. One can also massage the area where you have cracked skin. Take one ice cube and slowly rub in on your marks. Follow this method daily to quickly remove stretch marks.


Cucumbers are various nutrients and skin lightening compounds that lighten the stretch marks. It provides a lot of moisture that leads to growth of new cells that repair the cracked skin. Take the smaller cucumber and cut in into slices. Now take one slice and rub it slowly over the stretch marks for 5 minutes. Now take a new slice and cover your marks with it. Let it stay for 15 minutes, till then have some rest. Now remove the cucumber slice and wash your cracked skin with warm water. Cucumber helps to relax our skin cells and following this method daily will lighten your stretch marks quickly.


Avocado is a great source for folic acid. Folic acid is widely used in stretch marks removal creams and is very good in healing damaged and cracked skin. Avocado also provides a lot of moisture to skin, hence extracts of avocado are widely used in moisturizing creams. To prepare a natural stretch marks removal cream make a paste of avocado. Now apply it to skin and let it rest for 20 minutes. Now remove it using warm water. Follow this technique daily to get rid of stretch marks naturally. This will not only heal the skin but also make it soft and more flexible. You can add some lemon drops to avocado paste for getting better and more effective results.

Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is rich in anti oxidants, moisture, vitamins and has powerful healing properties that help to treat stretch marks, wrinkles and various other skin problems. Since it is antiseptic , it can also be used to heal burns, rashes and cuts. Due to its nutritional skin benefits, it is widely used in skin care products. Apply aloevera gel to your stretch marks and let it dry for 15 minutes. This therapy will soothe your stretch marks and make skin soft and beautiful. Antioxidants in this gel repairs skin cells and stimulates the generation of new skin that quickly removes stretch marks. Buy a stretch mark removal cream will aloevera extracts if you are not comfortable with the natural methods.


Potato contains starch, vitamins, minerals and skin lighting enzymes which makes it one of the best remedy for removing stretch marks. Potato speeds up the process of production of new skin cells that fill the cracks in skin. Crush one potato and extract its juice or cut in into big slices. Apply the juice or gently rub slice to your effected skin. I recommend you to apply the juice and cover it with cotton. Let it remain for fifteen minutes and then rinse it. Allow the skin to absorb the nutrients from potato so that it speeds up the process of healing stretch marks.

Honey and Lemon

Honey and lemon juice treatment is also very effective to get rid of stretch marks. While honey is full of sugar and moisture, lemon contains vitamin C and citric acid that lighten the skin marks. Vitamin C also builds collagen in body that repairs and lightens the dark spots and stretch marks. Add few drops of lemon juice to honey and cover your cracked skin with it. Give time to skin so that it absorbs complete moisture, vitamin C and other compounds. Follow this process daily and within weeks your stretch marks will start fading.

Natural Oils

Natural oils like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil contains vitamin E and lots of anti oxidants that helps to deal with various skin problems including stretch marks. Massage any one of these oils to your marks daily for 10 minutes. After massage let the oil stay on skin for more 15 minutes and then wash it using cold water. Giving more time will soothe your skin problem and repair your cracked skin fast. For better and quick results mix aloevera gel to one of the natural oil, apply it to skin and leave it overnight.

Egg Treatment

Egg is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals that help to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks. Apply the egg white to your skin, let ot dry and wash it after 10 minutes. This remedy is helpful for healing stretch marks easily.

Milk Cream

Milk cream is the great source for many vitamins and minerals that helps to nourish our skin cells. Apply the milk cream directly to your skin, leave it for 30 minutes. Giving more time will help the milk cream to erase your stretch marks rapidly. Follow this method daily and within one month you will get positive results and your stretch marks will be less visible.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C that works best for treating stretch marks and lightening skin tone. Mix little turmeric and olive oil to orange juice and rub ir over your stretch marks two rimes a day. Follow this technique to fade your stretch marks quickly. 

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