





Honey is well-known for its anti-bacterial and healing properties. It has been more than 2000 years that honey has been used for the treatment of skin problems and healing different types of wounds. And it has always been successful in producing spectacular results. The most appreciated type of honey is the raw one, because it retains more of its curative potential. It contains potassium, which suffocates bacteria in acne cells to get rid of skin blemishes and pimples faster. In addition to healing your acne, like other topical products, honey does not dry, peel or flake up your skin.

Positive Effects of Honey for Acne Skin

Honey also has anti inflammatory properties. It treats the inflammation associated with acne and calms the skin. It soothes and nourishes it by providing a healthy glow to your skin. This natural ingredient can be used for the treatment of acne both- for external or internal consumption. Taking a spoonful of honey every morning has proved very beneficial for the skin. Honey helps in destroying the causative organisms and deals with acne at its roots.

You can benefit from the positive effects of honey by using it as a face mask. This is a good way to get rid of acne overnight. Mix honey and lemon juice in equal quantities and apply it over your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and wash it off. Lemon juice reduces the stickiness of honey and allows easy application. Alternatively, you can also mix honey, almond oil and lemon juice as a mask.

Though honey might be effective in the treatment of acne but it is not for everyone. Some people are allergic to honey and for them instead of treating acne it might worsen the condition. Get an allergy test done before you set off to try the honey acne treatment. And also make sure that the honey you use is a good one. If you can get medical-grade honey, that’s ideal, but if you can’t get that, then it is better to use natural, raw, unprocessed, unheated honey with no added ingredients, from organic hives that have not been treated with chemicals or antibiotics.

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