





Our traditional home remedies for lice removal can easily tackle this object of ridicule that is head lice. The major victims of head lice are the children.

Head lice infestation differs with different individual. For some it is a seasonal problem. Head lice do not spread disease but they are contagious.

Their bites may cause itchiness and inflamed scalp. Continuous scratching may lead to bacterial infection and sometimes a more bothersome rash may develop.

Tips to prevent head lice
  • Keep your hair clean.
  • Preferably use herbal shampoos.
  • Keep your hair short if long hairs are not manageable.
  • Never keep your scalp dry and keep oiling it. Drying of scalp can lead to   dandruff and lice.
  • Proper hygiene is highly recommendable solution for lice removal.
  • It is recommended to wash your hair after a long journey as a dirty scalp is more prone to head lice.
Some highly recommendable don’ts
  • Don’t apply any cream or conditioner before applying remedies.
  • Avoid head to head contact.
  • Don’t share combs, hats, ribbons, towels, brushes, scarves, bandanas, hair ties, barrettes or bands with anyone else.
  • Don’t share pillows, carpets or bedding with anyone else.

Several home remedies for lice removal can be tried out which are really effective. For instance, apply the onion juice on the scalp and keep it for two to three hours.

If you are not in the mood of extracting onion juice then you can also massage your scalp with the half cut onion piece. Due to the sulfur content which is present in onion it is able to kill lices.

After sometime rinse your hair to wash away dead lice. Repeat this task for three days continuously for complete removal of head lice. Some other lice removal natural remedies are:

Tea shrubs oil is very effective treatment for head lice. You can add few drops of tea shrubs oil in your shampoo bottle and use daily.

This home made pack can easily remove lice from your head. Whisk together egg yolk, lemon juice and vinegar. Apply this mixture evenly on your scalp and allow it to dry for 30-35 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

Treatment with vinegar also helps in getting rid of lice. Vinegar can kill the lice within two days. Mix six teaspoonfuls of clear water and two tablespoon of vinegar .Before retiring to sleep apply this mixture on your scalp with the help of a wad of cotton.

Make the paste of 10-12 soaked almonds. Whisk this paste and lemon juice. Apply this mixture evenly on your scalp and keep it for 1 to 2 hours. Wash your hair with cold water. This serves as one of the most valuable lice removal home remedies.

Never forget to apply coconut oil after shampoo or condition. This not only reduces lice but also keeps your hairs healthy.

Rub Listerine mouth wash on your head to kill all the lice and hence cure lice infestation.

Add some camphor extract in your coconut oil bottle. After oiling your hair shampoo your hair well.

Use mayonnaise to massage your head but comb after two hours of massaging to heal this problem.

Mix 1 to 2 tablespoon of lemon juice with garlic paste. Apply this mixture evenly on your scalp and keep it for 25 to 30 minutes. Rinse off all the dirt by washing your hair in cold water.

Mixture of lemon and butter also help in removing lice. Keep this mixture on your head for 15 seconds and then rinse your head.

Applying the paste of Neem leaves to kill lice is one of the most beneficial and effective home remedy. Allow it to dry and then rinse your hair. Apply this homemade lice removal medicine at least twice a week.

Similarly the paste of basil leaf works very effectively. You can also use the mixture of basil and margosa leaf paste. Apply this paste evenly on your scalp and keep it for half an hour. Rinse your hair well. Repeatedly use this paste two to three times a week.

Custard apple powder can also be used to remove head lice. Make its paste by mixing it with some water. Keep it overnight on your scalp. Next morning rinse your hair.

Hair roots get weaken due to the lice infestation and eventually leads to hair fall. This is one of the most concerned problems as in some cases it even leads to high fever.

Use the above mentioned tips and therapeutic home remedies for lice removal and enjoy healthy growth of hair.

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