





You have a lot of chances of getting pregnant if you are in your 20s. According to a research you are at the best fertility level when you are 24. From medical prospective, 20s is the best decade for getting pregnant. She is at the highest fertility level at the age of twenty four. Every woman is born with millions of eggs at the time of birth. But only 300000 eggs are released during reproductive years. Out of 300000 eggs only four hundred eggs are released from the ovaries. Age is a very big factor in case of fertility. With the increasing age, eggs also become less viable and less in numbers.

Less possibilities of complications

A young woman is able to conceive healthy baby without any future complications instead of old woman that is more susceptible to the genetic complications. With increasing age, chances of miscarriagealso increases and woman’s body is not so strong for holding a healthy baby. In your 20s you are also free from health disorders or diabetes like diseases. 20s is the right age for woman for getting pregnant. In this age, they are also free from premature labor and low birth rate problems. According to medical research you have the same fertility rate in early 20s and late 20s.

Energy levels are high

As soon as you become pregnant, you have to wake up full nights with your baby. But you still feel happy and enough energetic to work for the next day. You spend complete time with your baby and are able to handle everything with smiling face. Most of Indian women have their first baby at the age of 24. According to Indian culture, this is the right age for becoming responsible and starting a new life with your partner and baby. Grandparents equally become happy when they get their grand children. They also play with baby and actively participate in all baby activities. These all things make the Indian culture more interesting and unique.

Good health results in better parenting

During this decade, you are more flexible and even better in parenting. Late marriages usually end up with boring life. It would be better for you to get married in 20s and conceiving babies in the same decade. This is a good decision for your physical and mental health both.


Discourage the use of birth control pills

You should be aware that birth control pills can affect your fertility level so you should choose them wisely. Don’t forget to consult with your doctor before making any final decision. You should be extra careful for selecting your birth control pills. Remember that birth control pills do not make you infertile but it can delay your pregnancy up to one year.

Avoid bad habits and maintain hygiene

Women under 25 are more susceptible to the sexually transmitted diseases. This infection greatly affects your fertility level. You should take the treatment for these diseases at the right time for making your reproduction system better. Sometimes these diseases are even transferred to the baby. The common sexually transmitted diseases are hepatitis B and HIV AIDS. During your 20s, you suffer from various bad social habits like smoking or drinking. These things are not good for your baby and it can also affect your fertility level. So you should avoid these bad habits during your 20s.

Watch the weight

If you don’t avoid these bad habits then you may suffer from various birth problems like miscarriage, low birth rate or low weight baby. Also say No to the drugs. These are equally harmful for your baby. You should also try to maintain your body weight. You should not be very thin or over weight. Imbalance body is not able to support the fertile egg.

Take good amount of vitamins/folic acid supplements

This is also a nice idea to take prenatal vitamins in large quantity for increasing the chances of getting pregnant. Folic acid is also an essential requirement during pregnancy. If your body doesn’t have enough folic acid then you should take supplements for this purpose. All prenatal vitamins or folic acid supplements are easily available in the market. Also prefer balanced diet full of all essential nutrients. These all nutrients make your body capable of holding a healthy baby. In case of any infertility problem you should consult with doctor immediately. The reason for infertility may be irregular menstruation cycles or over stress during working hours.


Forgiving your career life

This is also a right career time for becoming more successful in your life. If you become pregnant in your 20s then you have to make compromise with your career life. Most of the Indian women are ready to make sacrifice with their career. But at the same time, there are women who are not ready for taking this hard step with their career. This is very complicated situation for a woman where she has to make a selection between mother and career. It is very difficult for a woman to manage both work life and personal life. Her health is also badly affected by your hectic schedule. So you have to extra careful for your health and personal life also.

No strong financial background

In your 20s, you are not so much financially strong. This is the time for starting career life and a new member in family only increases your expenses. So you should not forget to think from this prospect also. Your baby demands best parenting from you. This is also a struggling period for the parents and it is very difficult for them to think about a new family member.

Agree mutually with your spouse to have a baby

For young couple it is also necessary to understand the life experiences closely. It is too early for thinking for a new family member. They also want to spend some time with each other. After getting pregnant, you become busy with your baby instead of your partner or other family members. Sometimes this reaction may irritate your partner. Take a wise decision about pregnancy only after a healthy discussion with your partner. If you both are ready to get pregnant mentally and financially for then you can think about taking a step ahead and getting pregnant in your 20s.Getting pregnant in your 20s

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