





Aromatherapy or the use of essential oils for pain relief is an effective therapy to deal with any sort of health problem. Essential oils are the distilled essence of aromatic plants and flowers in a condensed form. It is an ancient therapy and is very much beneficial in taking great care of not only the body but also of the mind and soul. We brings to you the following list of healthy oils which would help you understand the world of essential oils and aromatherapy more clearly. So what are you waiting for? Just go through the following and know what you should know:

1. Lavender helps in reducing stress and is very good for insomniacs.

2. Basil and black pepper ease soreness

3. Peppermint is cool and soothing, which helps in reducing pain

4. Birch and wintergreen helps in the healing of the muscles.

5. Frankincense is effective in dealing with depression as well as physical healing

6. Rose and sandalwood are great for skin

7. Clove oil is great for dental health

8. Ginger, cardamom and cypress keeps one alert

9. Geranium oil acts as astringent

10. Jasmine is thought to be good in enhancing sexual activity.

We hope you would make good use of the above mentioned oils and take good care of your health. Though there are many other oils used all around the world, but we have just taken into consideration some main as well as chiefly used healthy oils. Do consult a qualified therapist before getting into aromatherapy. Have a good life. Take care and Best of Luck!

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