





Excessively oily skin is often the root cause of numerous beauty problems such as acne, pimples, blackheads, etc. It makes your skin look greasy and gives your face an undesirable shine. Usually, it is the result of overactive sebaceous glands that produce excess sebum. Environmental factors like extreme temperature, humidity, over-cleaning, diet, stress, etc. can all contribute to aggravating the problem. It can also be attributed to hereditary factors and hormonal changes.

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin
Below are ways to get rid of oily skin.

Clay Masks
  • Mix two tablespoons of sea clay, French green clay, and yogurt.
  • Add sufficient fluid (green tea and peppermint tea are best) to form a paste.
  • Spread the mask on your face and neck.
  • Leave on for about 10-15 minutes, until it dries.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Clay masks prepared from fuller’s earth, bentonite clay, red kaolin clay, sea clay, and French green clay are considered best for oily skin.
Alternately, you can apply a paste of fuller’s earth, rose water, and witch hazel. You can also apply a combination of fuller’s earth and calamine lotion to control oily skin and acne. Clay masks can include witch hazel as well because of its astringent properties.

Egg Whites
  • Beat an egg white.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Apply it to your face.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with warm water.
  • Apply this mask about once a week.
  • Egg whites are beneficial for greasy skin as they help draw out oils. You may add a little honey, too.
Aloe Vera
  • Apply fresh aloe vera gel three times a day.
  • This is a simple, quick remedy that can be helpful in getting rid of oily skin.
Tomato and Oatmeal Paste
  • Blend a tomato in a blender until you get a smooth paste.
  • Mix this puree with two tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal to form a paste.
  • Apply this paste to your face and neck.
  • Repeat regularly as necessary.
  • This will help to reduce greasiness on your skin.
Alternately, you can use a paste of oatmeal, warm water, and a little lemon juice.

Gram Flour and Buttermilk
  • Combine gram flour (besan) and buttermilk to form a paste.
  • Use this paste to scrub your face.
  • Rinse off with clean water.
  • Repeat regularly as necessary.
  • This will help to reduce excess oil and control the sebum production. If you do not have gram flour, then simply massage your face with buttermilk.
Herbal Facial Steam
  • Combine a quarter cup each of dried rosemary, parsley leaves, peppermint leaves, lavender flowers, and ten drops each of lavender and lemon essential oils.
  • Set the herbal mixture aside for about 24 hours.
  • Boil it in one to two liters of water in a large pot with lid.
  • After turning off the heat, let it steep for about five minutes.
  • Finally, treat yourself to a facial steam by placing your face above the steaming pot.
  • Follow this procedure for 15-20 minutes, once or twice weekly to unclog your pores and limit the sebum production.
  • Oil-Absorbing  or Oil-Blotting Sheets
  • You can use these occasionally to remove excess oil on your face. In case you are not interested in buying these sheets, you can use tissue paper or rice paper for this purpose.
Tips to Prevent Oily Skin
  • Control greasiness on your skin and clear the pores by rinsing your face with hot water, followed by a cold water rinse. Do this regularly at night before going to sleep.
  • Fatty and oily diets are believed to promote greasy skin. A high intake of sugary and starchy foods causes a spike in the insulin levels, which in turn stimulate oil production. You can opt for a healthier and skin-friendly diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and seeds.
  • At times, women develop greasiness on their skin due to birth control pills. If this is the case, it is best to switch to a different brand.


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Simple Health Tips and Tricks for Healthy Life.Learn how to use everyday items and ingredients to solve your common Health and Beauty Problems.Stay Healthy and stay Beautiful!!
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