





How to Get Rid of Skin Tags

A skin tag is a tag of skin attached to the surface of the skin through a small, narrow stalk (pedunculated) that can develop on the neck, underarms, beneath the breasts, torso, eyelids, and groin.

The condition is also known as acrochordon, cutaneous tag, Templeton skin tag, soft fibroma, fibroma molluscum, fibroepithelial polyp, and so on. It is a benign condition and does not cause symptoms.

Thus, skin tags tend to be harmless and painless. However, they may be irritated or may even burst when rubbed or scratched repeatedly. These soft skin growths are generally flesh or brown colored, and are typically the size of a grain.

It is believed that skin tags mostly develop due to skin rubbing against skin, clothing, jewelry, etc. Genetic predisposition can also increase one’s chances of developing skin tags.

Plus, in some people, they occur for no apparent reason. In addition, middle-aged individuals are more susceptible to this problem.

Obese people, too, are prone to skin tags because they have excess folds of skin. Other factors that make one prone to skin tags are diabetes, pregnancy, Crohn’s disease, HPV, etc.

How to Get Rid of Skin Tags

Here are 8 remedial measures that you can adopt to remove and treat skin tags. Though uncommon still, at times, they tend to fall off on their own. Furthermore, being a benign condition, it is not necessary to treat this problem, unless the skin tags become irritated or create a cosmetic concern.
  • Cutting Off Skin Tags
  • Tying Off Skin Tags
  • The Band-Aid Trick
  • Castor Oil and Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Bloodroot
  • Cosmetic Treatment
Small skin tags can be cut off or removed using a pair of sharp scissors, blade, or nail clippers. Make sure you sterilize the tool with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide beforehand. Besides, you may want to apply ice or a little alcohol on the affected area before cutting off the skin tag to prevent infection. After cutting off the base of the skin tag, compress the area to avoid bleeding.

Skin tags that cannot be cut off can be tied off with a dental floss, thread, suture, etc. This method is called litigation. You may have to keep the stalk of the unsightly skin growth tied for a few days until it turns darker and eventually falls off because of lack of blood supply. Rest assured that removing a skin tag is not going to cause more of these benign tumors to grow.

Puncture a vitamin E capsule with a pin or needle and apply the oil on the affected area. Next, put a band aid on the skin tag to block the blood supply so that it falls off within a few days. You could also use the common household duct tape in the same way.

Prepare a paste by mixing baking soda in castor oil. Smear it on the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Follow this remedy for a few weeks to get rid of skin tags naturally at home. If you do not like the smell of this paste, then you may add a few drops of a fragrant essential oil like lemon or orange essential oil.

Apple cider vinegar is highly beneficial for a number of skin problems including skin tags. Soak a wash cloth in warm water and put in on the affected area. Next, remove the warm washcloth and dab a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. Finally, cover the skin tag with a band aid.

Applying tea tree oil once or twice a day for a few weeks disinfects the affected area and helps dry out the skin tag from the inside. Those who have a sensitive skin may dilute tea tree oil in water or some other base oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, and so on.

Bloodroot, which is native to the United States and Canada, works as a potent salve for the treatment of skin tags, moles, and warts. It requires applying bloodroot paste on the affected area (it should not touch healthy skin) and then covering it with a bandage. 
Change the bandage a few times and a way, and while reapplying, dab a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide, on the affected area. Do not use this therapy for more than 2-3 days. Application of this herb, however, is usually advised against because it tends to kill the tissues. If you are still interested in healing skin tags with bloodroot paste, make sure you consult your doctor beforehand.

Like warts, skin tags can be gotten rid of with the help of cosmetic procedures such as freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery), burning off with a cautery pen (cauterization), cosmetic surgery, etc.

Tips to Prevent Skin Tags

Though this problem cannot be prevented altogether still, you can follow certain suggestions to reduce your chances of developing skin tags.

For instance, you should keep your blood sugar levels under control. As skin tags are more common in overweight and obese individuals, strive to maintain a healthy weight and reduce flab

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

Yellow teeth are invariably caused by stain-causing habits like taking tea, coffee, chocolates, carbonated drinks, wine, etc.

Furthermore, it is widely known that smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco products leads to staining and discoloration of teeth.

In addition, factors like poor dental hygiene, excessive fluoride, dental trauma, root canal procedure, increasing age (normal wear and tear of the enamel), genetic predisposition (thin, translucent enamel revealing the natural yellow color of dentin)), overuse of mouthwashes containing containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride, etc. may cause the same.

Consumption of certain foods such as citrus fruits, beets, curry, tomato sauce, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, popsicles, and beverages like colas and even sports drinks that have a high acid content contribute in causing yellow this.

Besides, yellow or brown spots on teeth may be a symptom of an underlying condition like celiac disease, especially in children.

Intake of certain medications like antipsychotic drugs, antihistamines, antihypertensives, and some antibiotics can cause teeth discoloration. Chemotherapy sessions for head or neck cancers can also cause yellow teeth.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

Here are 8 ways to reduce teeth discoloration and help your pearly whites dazzle.
  • Baking Soda
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Strawberries
  • Chewing Gums with Xylitol
  • Orange Peel
  • Kaolin Clay
  • Oil Pulling
  • Professional Tooth Whitening

Prepare a paste of half a teaspoon baking soda, half a teaspoon table salt, and a little water. Scrub this paste on your teeth as natural toothpaste to reduce the yellow discoloration on your teeth by getting rid of the stains. Follow this remedy about once or twice weekly. Besides, you can brush your teeth occasionally with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. Do not rely heavily on baking soda, though as it can damage the enamel over a period of time.

Mix together one teaspoon each of 3% hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and sufficient water to form a paste. Use this mixture a couple of times in a week instead of your regular toothpaste to get rid of yellow teeth and brighten your smile. Besides, you can create a homemade teeth whitening mouthwash by mixing equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water. You can also use peroxide-based tooth whitening strips.

Strawberries have been known to possess tooth whitening properties as it contains malic acid that works as natural bleach. So, eat strawberries to whiten your teeth safely and naturally. In addition, you can blend a strawberry in a blender to get a paste and rub it on your teeth. Rinse it off, and preferably, brush your teeth with a toothbrush to remove the fruit from your teeth because it contains sugars and acids.
 Eating spinach, broccoli and other dark green vegetables are also beneficial for yellow teeth as the minerals present in these foods form a film on the teeth that prevent staining.

Xylitol is a type of sugar alcohol which is used as a sugar substitute. It neutralizes the pH in your mouth and fights tooth decay. Moreover, chewing gum stimulates saliva which itself contains certain components that avoid tooth discoloration and cavities. Thus, you can have sugar-free chewing gums containing xylitol.

Scrub the inside of an orange peel or lemon peel on yellow teeth daily for at least a week to reduce the discoloration. The peels of these citrus fruits have bleaching properties. In addition, you can rub orange juice mixed with a little common salt.

Kaolin clay, also known as white clay or white dirt, works as a natural teeth whitening agent. Just dampen your toothbrush, dip it in this clay and brush your teeth. Use this method once a week. Do not overdo it.

You can get sparkling white teeth and eliminate the yellow stains through an easy Ayurvedic therapy called oil pulling. To follow this therapy, you need to swish a teaspoon of oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes until it becomes foamy and then spit it out (do not gargle or swallow). Finally, rinse your mouth a few times and brush your teeth. You are required to use unrefined cold pressed oil such as sunflower oil for this purpose. You may also use sesame oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. Apart from cleaning your mouth, oil pulling stimulates the immune system and detoxifies your body.

Severely stained and discolored teeth can be treated with professional tooth whitening procedures like laser teeth whitening, professional bleaching, etc. Besides, dental veneers can help enhance the appearance of your teeth. Before going for any of these options though, make sure you research there pros and cons carefully. Certain stains, for example, are resistant to in-office whitening.

Tips to Prevent Yellow Teeth

Follow a good oral care routine by brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Plus, rinse your mouth after every taking a meal or even a beverage. Adopt proper brushing and flossing techniques. Check out this video explaining how to brush and floss your teeth properly.

Cut back on smoking and limit your intake of tea, coffee, and other staining foods and beverages. On the other hand, drink plenty of water. In fact, when you drink water after eating something, especially a stain-causing food, swish the water in your mouth before swallowing it.

Consume dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese as they contain calcium and phosphorus that help maintain healthy teeth and bones. Furthermore, a type of protein called casein present in these items strengthens the tooth enamel. Cheese, in particular, avoids tooth decay and facilitates in enamel re-mineralization.

How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Having dull, frizzy hair is quite a common problem in those with coarse and curly hair. Hot and humid weather contributes in causing the same.

Besides, factors like excessive dryness, use of chemicals, heat treatment, and environmental factors may also cause this problem.

Basically, it happens when the outermost layer of the hair, that is, the cuticle becomes rough and porous due to these factors.

Thus, it absorbs more moisture from the air and allows it to penetrate to the middle layer (cortex). It results in uneven swelling, thereby making your hair appear frizzy.

Use of heating tools such as curling irons, flat irons, rollers, even blow dryers tends to make your hair dry and brittle over time. Hence, apart from causing frizzy hair, it makes your hair susceptible to breakage.

In addition, exposure to sunlight, harsh chemicals, windy weather, and habits like rubbing your hair vigorously after washing make your hair dry, frizzy, and prone to static cling.

How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Here are 9 tips and tricks to help your battle with frizzy hair.
  • Natural Oils
  • Safflower Oil
  • Egg Yolk
  • Mayonnaise and Avocado Hair Mask
  • Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil
  • Beer
  • Dryer Sheet
  • Regular Moisturizer
  • Detangling Spray
Massage your hair and scalp with natural oils like olive oil and coconut oil (preferably slightly heated in a microwave or double boiler) to tame the frizz. Leave the oil on your hair for at least 45 minutes before washing it off. You can follow this treatment about once a week. Apart from moisturizing, it shall nourish your lustrous locks and promote hair growth, too.

After styling your hair, rub two to three drops of safflower oil between your palms and run your fingers through your hair, especially the ends to eliminate the frizz. Argan oil can also be used in the same way.

Whisk two egg yolks and apply the mixture on your hair about 30-45 minutes before washing your hair. It provides protein and moisture to your hair and hence, helps manage frizzy hair naturally.

Scoop out the pulp of half an avocado, mash it and add one cup of mayonnaise in it. Apply this smooth mayonnaise and avocado mask on your hair and wash it off after 20-30 minutes to get rid of frizzy hair. Use this hair mask about once a week. You can prepare another deep conditioning hair mask by mixing one egg, and a quarter cup each of olive oil and mayonnaise.

Mix a quarter cup each of aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Heat the mixture in a microwave for about 20 seconds to melt the oil. To mix both the ingredients well, you can put them in a blender and run it. Finally, apply it on your hair and leave it for about 15-20 minutes before washing your hair. Apart from removing the frizzes, it shall help restore your hair’s sheen and eliminate dandruff. Besides, you can prepare a hydrating hair spray for frizzy hair by mixing half a cup each of aloe vera gel and distilled water.

Replenish moisture in your hair by rinsing your tresses with a can of flat beer, from the roots to the ends. Let it sit in your hair for a couple of minutes. Finally, rinse your hair with cool water. Beer is often used as a natural hair conditioner because it is rich in proteins. Moreover, it adds volume to your hair, and makes them shiny and smooth. You can also combine equal parts of beer and apple cider vinegar. Mix one tablespoon of this mixture in a pint of water and use it as a last rinse. It shall help detangle your hair and reduce flyaways.

Running a dryer sheet over your hair can prove useful in managing frizzy, flyaway hair caused by static in the air. You may rub a dryer sheet on your comb and brush as well.

Another easy and quick fix for dry, frizzy hair involves the use of a regular moisturizer. You can take a small amount of the moisturizer in your palms and apply it on your hair. On the downside, it is likely to weigh down your hair and make them appear oily.

Spray a little children’s detangling spray in your palms and run it through your hair to get rid of the frizz without making your hair oily and limp. Besides, you can choose from a variety of commercially available anti-frizz products like serums.

Tips to Prevent Frizzy Hair

To avoid frizzy hair, deep condition your hair on a regular basis and prefer to use a protein-based cream hair conditioner. When choosing hair care products, choose the ones that can add moisture to your hair.

Avoid brushing dry hair as it can cause damage to the hair cuticle. Rather, you can wet and finger-comb your hair to remove the knots and tangles.

While blow-drying your hair, use the dryer only around the roots, not the hair shaft and tip. After blow drying your hair, hit the cool shot button to apply cool air that smoothens the cuticles and eliminates the frizz.

Protect your lustrous locks from exposure to the sun and wind.
Take a proper diet rich in protein and essential vitamins and minerals to maintain healthy hair. Strands of coarse hair, in particular require protein. Thus, you can also apply protein-rich hair masks to prevent frizzy hair and reduce split ends, too.

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Whiteheads are small white bumps caused by clogged skin pores. Thus, they are similar to blackheads. However, unlike blackheads they appear white or yellow in color.

The reason is that the sebum, dirt, dead skin cells, etc. trapped in the skin pores do not get exposed to the oxygen in the air as the follicles have narrow opening to the skin surface.

In case of blackheads, though, the follicles have a wider opening, thereby allowing air to enter follicles. Hence, the plugged material turns dark in color due to oxidization of melanin.

A whitehead, also known as a closed comedone or milium (plural milia), is a form of acne. It is usually painless but can be infected with P.acnes bacteria. More often than not, whiteheads appear on the face, particularly on cheeks temples, and forehead.

Some people are more prone to blackheads and whiteheads than others because their sebaceous glands produce sebum with oleic acid rather than linoleic acid which is calming to the skin and does not lead to the development of hard plugs.

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Here are 10 suggestions to help clear whiteheads.
  • Facial Steaming
  • Baking Soda Deep Pore Cleanser
  • Milk and Lemon Juice
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Cornstarch and Vinegar
  • Almond and Honey Face Scrub
  • Oatmeal Mask
  • Deep Pore Cleansing Strips
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Extraction
Facial steaming can be done about once a week to open up your pores and loosen up the buildup of oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. For this, you need to boil a pan of water and pour it in a large bowl. Put a few drops of an essential oil like that of lemon, chamomile, rosemary, etc. in it and place your face over the bowl to expose it to the steam for 5-10 minutes.
 Alternatively, you can dip a towel in warm water, wring it, and then place it on your face for a few minutes and repeat the procedure two to three times. After this steam treatment, you may soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected areas.

Add four tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of warm mineral water. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it for about 10 minutes. Finally, remove the mask and follow up with a moisturizer. Preferably, follow this remedy after facial steaming.

Mix one tablespoon each of lemon juice and salt (preferably dead salt) in two tablespoons of whole milk. Rub this recipe on your face. Rinse it off after 15 minutes to reduce whiteheads. Regular application of this milk and lemon juice face pack can also nourish and soften your skin.

Soak some tea tree oil on a cotton ball and dab on the affected area to fight bacteria and cure blackheads, whiteheads, and acne breakouts. It helps reduce acne scars, too.

Take cornstarch (absorbs oil) and apple cider vinegar (works as an astringent) in a ratio of 3:1. Mix both the ingredients in a bowl and apply the resultant paste on the affected area for about 15-30 minutes. Finally, wipe it off with a clean washcloth and wash your face with lukewarm water, followed by a cold water rinse to close the pores.

Grind a handful of blanched almonds. Take two tablespoons of this paste and a tablespoon of pure honey (preferably manuka honey) and a little lemon juice. Exfoliate your skin with this almond and honey facial scrub and wash it off after 15-20 minutes.

Add a tablespoon of honey in two tablespoons of oatmeal. Heat the mixture slightly in a microwave. Apply it on your face and after 20 minutes, remove it with lukewarm water to clear blocked pores. Instead of honey, you can combine oatmeal with plain yogurt, too. After exfoliation, wrap an ice cube in a piece of cotton cloth and run it over your face. It helps close the pores.

Regularly apply a cleanser, followed by deep cleansing pore strips to reduce whiteheads by pulling away the buildup dirt and sebum. It can help treat mild acne as well. Plus, you may use facial cleansers containing alpha hydroxyl acids and salicylic acid.

Application of an over-the-counter treatment containing at least 5% benzoyl peroxide inhibits acne growth by killing the bacteria and exfoliates dead skin. Thus, it is often recommended for healing whiteheads. After applying this remedy, though, make sure moisturize your face lightly as benzoyl peroxide tends to dry out your skin. Follow this treatment two times in a day for about four to six weeks. Antibiotics are used at times, but most antibiotics are not effective in preventing as well as curing whiteheads.

There is also the option to consult a dermatologist or skin care specialist and get your whiteheads extracted by an expert. An instrument called whitehead extractor is used for this purpose.

Tips to Prevent Whiteheads

When dealing with whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, etc. it is advised to avoid using greasy makeup and skin care products. So, you should opt for water-based, non-comedogenic products.

Consistent cleaning of the skin is extremely important for preventing and controlling problems like acne, whiteheads, and blackheads in oily skin. Therefore, wash your face two times in a day with a soap-free face wash.